
Delphi Group’s consulting services and methodologies

Generational Programs

Developing and deploying a Reverse Mentoring Program
Building Effective multi-generational Teams
Managing Millennials and Gen Z
Market Strategy for Millenials and Gen Z

Digital Transformation

Developing a Digital Transformation Strategy and Action Plan
Auditing the Current State of Your Digital Transformation
Evaluating the Market Opportunities for Digital Transformation

Process Management

Conducting a Process Audit
Re-engineering Business Processes
Documenting and analyzing Current Process Flow for Efficiency and Effectiveness
Black Belt Certification Programs


Reviewing Existing Organizational Strategy
Aligning Strategy with Market Opportunities
Enabling Strategy Through Technology

Education & Facilitation

Developing customized educational programs on Innovation, Creativity, Problem solving, Process management, Knowledge management, Data analytics, Mobile strategy, User/Customer experience
Executive Team Facilitation
Offsite Team Engagement and Team Building


Building your Innovation Practice
Evaluating your organization’s innovation capability
Creating customized Educational programs for your executives, managers, and employees.
Putting in place an Innovation Zone
Determining Incentives and Recognition for Innovation
Re-engineering your current innovation practices
Black Belt Certification Programs

Delphi Group’s Past Clients

    • American Express
    • AARP
    • Apple
    • Bausch & Lomb
    • Blue Cross Blue Shield
    • Chase Bank
    • The Clorox Company
    • GTE
    • IBM
    • Intel
    • Internal Revenue Service
    • Kellogg Company
    • Lockheed Martin
    • Lone Star Gas
    • Mayo Foundation
    • Met Life
    • Nabisco
    • National Life Insurance of Vermont
    • New York Stock Exchange
    • Oak Ridge National Laboratories
    • Owens Corning
    • Pfizer
    • R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical
    • SC Johnson Wax
    • State of Washington
    • The Prudential Insurance Company
    • Transport Canada
    • Union Pacific Railroad
    • West Valley Nuclear

Results Driven

Our vast network of highly specialized consultants can cut the time it takes for you to get to a decision to a fraction of what most other consultants require. That’s because Delphi Group’s preeminent consulting services focus exclusively on the business impact that results from innovation and digital transformation. We understand digital transformation in a way that enables us to apply it directly to the challenges you face in your industry, thereby helping you achieve your business goals and develop business practices that will make your organization a leader in the 21st Century. From helping you develop and deploy an innovation practice to mapping out your digital transformation strategy, we work in harmony, a partner in your progress, with your culture and your ambitions.


25 Years of Experience

Our targeted research, ongoing thought leadership, intense exposure to new technologies through the Delphi Institute,  along with our objectivity and over 25 years of experience, result in extraordinarily effective, high quality, high velocity consulting services. Most importantly, our consulting engagements focus on the Knowledge Transfer needed to make sure you are increasingly more self-sufficient, with a solid foundation for your future.

Cross Industry Knowledge

Our consulting engagements cover a broad spectrum of services, specific to each client. This is just a sampling of the sort of engagements we are involved in most frequently.