Years Of Experience
Books Published
Hours Presented
You’re a master at your topic. You’ve written a book. You know your stuff. Perhaps you have a website, a few videos, and a handful of gigs. What’s next? You need to master the “business” of speaking.
Just about anyone who has published a book can do a few keynotes. Very few can build a sustainable speaking career. The reason? They never learn how to master the many pieces that go into running a speaking business. After 25 years of being a professional speaker, I’ve learned that the key to a long-term speaking career is building the business model. If you want to build a sustainable business around speaking, then Master The Gig is what you need. In this uniquely structured three-phase program you will learn how to master the industry gatekeepers, the business, and the stage. In short, you’ll have the entire infrastructure to build and run your speaking business.
There are many programs that promise to make you a better speaker, but here’s what’s interesting. If you simply Google the people behind almost all of those programs you’ll find that they’re not even listed with any speakers bureaus, which own 90% of all paid gigs over $10,000 gross!
You want to get fees of $20K+.
You are/will be a published author.
You have a message of substance.
You’re building speaking as a business or part of a business.
You’re willing to develop world-class stage skills.
You have a compelling story to be told.